Buy Amazon Magic Mushroom Strain Online| Amazonian magic mushroom Dispensary online
Giant Jungle Shrooms: Exploring The Amazon Mushroom Strain.
Buy Amazon Magic Mushroom Strain Online. Fitting for mushrooms collected in the jungle, the Amazon strain is known for producing monster mushrooms with a sharp psychedelic bite. The Amazon magic mushroom strain produces some of the largest mushrooms you’ll ever see — and they’re exceptionally potent. This strain boasts plenty of psilocybin and a surprisingly long high of almost 8 hours — they’re worth a try if you can get your hands on some. Sold initially as PES Amazonians (PES standing for Pacifica Exotica Spora), Amazon mushroom strains originate in South America. This is a genetically isolated strain, but it’s believed to maintain similar traits to mushrooms that can still grow in certain parts of the Amazon rainforest. Mammoth-sized specimens have been reported by mycologists visiting the rainforest. Despite the surprisingly high content of psilocybin and psilocin, the Amazon strain offers only moderate hallucinations but a notably strong body high. Purchase Amazonian magic mushroom North carolina . Users report this strain induces decently long hallucinogenic experiences but not particularly overwhelming ones, making it perfect for inexperienced users. Order Amazonian magic mushroom.
Amazon Strain Specs | Amazonian magic mushroom for sale Illinois
Potency | Above Average |
Cultivation | Easy |
Species | Psilocybe cubensis |
Substrate Recommendation | Rye Grain, Manure |
Cost | $$ |
Sold By | Dried magic mushroom spores |
History of the Amazon Strain | Where to Order Amazonian magic mushroom online
Amazon magic mushrooms were originally sold by the Pacific Exportica Spora company, which is why another name for this strain is PES Amazonia. However, while they were the first to claim commercial ownership, Amazon mushrooms have a long and storied history as one of the first magic mushroom strains to be used by indigenous people. Amazonian magic mushroom Shop California. The mushrooms were originally used as part of spiritual ceremonies throughout the Amazon in South and Central America, used by native peoples long before Europeans ever stepped foot on the shores of America. Buy Amazonian magic mushroom online Montana. Over time, however, the strain entered the public consciousness and was sold commercially in the USA and other places. Cheap Amazonian magic mushroom Utah. One interesting aspect of this strain is that Sporeworks, one of the most reliable spore vendors out there, accidentally mislabelled this strain as B+, a different strain, and has affected public perception ever since.

To this day, people still sometimes use B+ and Amazon interchangeably, despite how fundamentally different they really are.
Amazon Potency & Psilocybin Content
When assessing qualitative data for the potency of magic mushroom strains, we often turn to the Psilocybin Cup, presented by Oakland Hyphae. It’s a competition in which mushroom growers can submit samples of their mushrooms to undergo HPLC testing. Potency is then ranked and various awards are given. So far, there have been four samples of the Amazon strain in this competition. Across those submissions, the average psilocybin and psilocin levels (percent of dried weight) were reported as 1.12% and 0.20%, respectively, for a total tryptamine concentration of 1.36%. The strongest entry tested so far contained around 1.85% total tryptamines. Amazonian magic mushroom for sale USA.
Amazonian Magic Mushrooms | Buy Amazon Magic Mushroom Strain Online.
Amazonian Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybe Cubensis Amazonian) is an ancient strain that traces back to the Amazon forest. It is unknown which mycologist originally collected this strain but this popular strain has been domesticated for over 50 years. The Amazonian shrooms are known to be thick and fleshy. It is not the easiest strain to grow commercially because of its slow fruiting.
Our staff report that Amazonian shrooms provide a good balance of colourful visuals and spiritual experience. It’s recommended for an intense visual trip with close friends or also recommended for a party with a smaller dosage. Some have reported this strain energized them to get up and dance!
The Amazon mushroom strain is, luckily, one of the most common varieties of magic mushrooms out there, meaning that it can be bought at pretty much any major Quantity from our shop ..
How to Grow Amazon Mushrooms
When it comes to growing magic mushrooms, it is usually a good first step to consider the growing conditions in the wild.
As the name suggests, the Amazon strain was initially collected from the Amazon rainforest, a region with intense humidity.
To ensure it grows properly, give it plenty of humidity. If its growing environment is damp and well-regulated, you can expect massive yields, as this strain is a highly prolific producer.

The mycelium layer of this strain is extremely effective at burrowing into whatever substrate you give it, so make sure it has a little more than usual.
You can also easily find growing kits that come with the substrate, which lets you grow Amazon magic mushrooms at home without any real difficulty.
Even if you use these, make sure to include plenty of humidity and moisture in whatever room you are growing your Amazon shrooms.
A humidifier is a great purchase, and an effective fan to help circulate the air to keep everything nice and moist.