Where to Buy Brazilian Magic Mushrooms Strain online | Brazilian Magic Mushrooms Strain for sale online.
Buy Brazilian Magic Mushrooms Strain online. Ancient, historical, and extremely fast-growing, the Brazilian strain is one of those fantastic magic mushroom strains that lends itself perfectly to home growers. They boast vigorous growth and disease resistance and grow to mammoth sizes.
Famed for its intense spiritual experience, the high of this strain is well known for its incredible intensity, heightened sensations of color, and satisfying euphoria.
This strain was first collected somewhere in the Brazilian highlands and cultured in a lab to produce this genetically-stable strain.
The Brazilian strain can be visually identified by its larger-than-normal veil, which connects the cap to the stem.
The most common issue people experience while growing these mushrooms is not keeping them wet enough. As these mushrooms swell in size, they require constant humidification. It’s a good idea to pick up a high-quality mister or an automatic humidifier when growing the Brazilian cubensis strain (or other South American strains).
Brazilian Magic Mushrooms Strain Shop near me | Brazilian Magic Mushrooms Strain Dispensary
Brazilian Strain Specs
Potency | Above Average |
Cultivation | Beginner |
Species | Psilocybe cubensis |
Substrate Recommendation | Dung, grains |
Cost | $$ |
Sold By | Visit our Shop |
Brazilian Strain Potency & Psilocybin Content
The Brazilian strain is well known for its surprisingly potent trips and hits pretty quickly. You can expect to feel its effects within only about 30 minutes of consuming some Brazilian mushrooms, with plenty of excitement and euphoria and a good amount of visual stimulation.
But this doesn’t answer the widespread question regarding any new mushroom strain — just how potent is it?
Sadly, there hasn’t been a lot of specific scientific consensus surrounding the exact quantity of psilocybin and psilocin for this strain.
A close relative of the Brazilian strain — the SYZYGY strain — was entered into the 2021 Psilocybin Cup. It was found to have a relative concentration of 1.48% psilocybin and a 0.37% relative psilocin content (1.85% total tryptamines). These are some of the most potent magic mushrooms tested — scoring 14th on the 2021 Psilocybin Cup results. Buy Brazilian Magic Mushrooms Strain online.
The Brazilian strain wasn’t entered, and it isn’t as strong as the SYZYGY mushrooms — but it’s close.
We estimate the average Brazilian strain to contain somewhere between 1.1% and 1.5% total tryptamine concentrations.
The Brazilian strain also has a uniquely potent “euphoric” effect — as reported by members of the Tripsitter team and the consensus in the magic mushroom community. This strain combines well with a nice hike with friends or family.
Where to Buy Brazilian Magic Mushroom Spores
The Brazilian strain is very easy to find online. This strain has been around for decades and is available in our shop in the US, Canada, and Europe (with some exceptions).
How to Grow The Brazilian Strain
Brazilian mushrooms have a reputation as being fast and vigorous growers. They’re perfect for beginners — just make sure you give them plenty of space to grow. This is not a good strain for people who are tight on space.
Magic mushroom grow kits are a great place to start — you don’t need to worry about sterilization, substrate preparation, or incubation. Just open the package and keep them moist for a few weeks until you’re ready to harvest.
Unfortunately, grow kits are only legal in a few parts of the world. Spore syringes are the next best option if grow kits aren’t available where you live. You can order spores in most US states, Canada, and most of Europe.
The key thing to remember when growing Brazilian mushrooms is that, because of their tenacity, they need to be kept consistently moist (but not soaking wet). You’ll likely need to give these mushrooms a spray of filtered water 3 or 4 times a day. Dryer climates may require even more than this.
If you’re out of the house during the day and can’t keep your Brazilan mushrooms moist as they swell up to gargantuan sizes, you may want to invest in a small humidifier.
How to buy Brazilan magic mushrooms online.
Brazilian Psilocybe cubensis, often known as Brazilian shrooms, are indigenous to Brazil. However, you can find this variety in Canada, if you know where to look. This strain is reported to give a feeling of closeness to a higher power in large doses. However, its potency is relatively moderate, making it an ideal magic mushroom for beginners.
You may experience psychedelic effects while consuming Brazilian magic mushrooms, including euphoria. But magic mushrooms offer more than the recreational and shamanic experience we know because they also provide solutions to various conditions.
About Brazilian Psilocybe Cubensis | Buy Brazilian Magic Mushrooms Strain online.
If you don’t want to create psychedelic experiences, you can choose to microdose with a Brazilian cubensis mushroom. There will be no psychedelic or psychoactive effects; instead, it increases creativity, improves mood, and enhances focus and concentration.
Beginners are still advised to take them in low doses, especially when using a potent psilocybe cubensis such as this. Novice users can start with 0.5 to 1 gram of this Brazilian strain to create psychedelic experiences. The effects will intensify when you go higher than one gram. You will experience an uplifted mood within 10 to 30 minutes after taking the Brazilian strain.
Physically, it has an entirely distinctive appearance with a long, thin stem and a broad cap. Stems are typically white, but it turns blue when handled. The oxidation of psilocybin in the magic mushroom is what causes the bluing. Its cap is golden in colour and convex in shape. Nevertheless, the caps open up as they age and change from light to yellowish.
Studies back up the claim that magic mushrooms are a valuable tool for mental health treatment. Clinical trials have shown that taking psilocybin, the active component of magic mushrooms can alleviate anxiety, depression, PTSD, and more symptoms. But of course, not all mental health illnesses can be treated with Brazilian magic mushrooms.
Another known benefit of magic mushrooms is that they can assist in treating substance abuse from alcohol and cocaine. It breaks the habitual pattern or desire to take the addictive substance.
There are also some ongoing studies on how magic mushrooms can promote the growth of new brain cells. And other clinical trials are still being done on its effect on depression, OCD, and other mental health disorders. However, the promising results shown in some studies can be a breakthrough treatment for patients suffering from mental health disorders resistant to conventional drugs.
The effects of Brazilian cubensis mushrooms are affected by body weight, the amount ingested, and metabolism. In addition, because of its strength, this mushroom is perfect for novice clients. You’ll get a mental buzz after consuming Brazilian magic mushrooms, along with some mild disorientation and enhanced colour perception.
When the hallucinatory effects have peaked, these mushrooms give you the exhilaration and create spiritual experiences. Additionally, you might feel euphoric and become alert, creative, and comfortable. Massive quantities induce a meditative state with a heightened sense.
You might notice that everything seems to be breathing, that nature seems alive, and that you are thinking within. You will deeply appreciate everything around you, from nature to art, music, and more. It causes dramatic visual hallucinations like increased colours, dynamic shapes, and profound reflective and philosophical thoughts. Buy Brazilian Magic Mushrooms Strain online.
Brazilian Psilocybe cubensis have large fruit bodies, brown and yellow, and are fast-growing magic mushroom strains. Amazingly, this strain has been part of the Mesoamericans for generations and is regarded as a sacred medicine, like many magic mushrooms that grow naturally. They have been used in religious rituals for countless years because they produce euphoria, heightened colour perception, and mystical experiences.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do the effects last?
The impact typically lasts 5 to 6 hours (occasionally up to 12), after which the person falls asleep or feels a bit low in energy. However, the effects of a mushroom are affected by multiple factors, such as the dosage. When you ingest higher amounts of psilocybin, it will take time before the results will disappear. Furthermore, the strength of the mushroom and your body’s metabolism also contribute to the lasting effects.
Why do my mushrooms have blue discoloration?
The natural bluing process, also called bruising, occurs in psilocybin mushrooms. The bluing is due to the oxidative breakdown of psilocin by enzymes within the mushroom cells. In other words, bluing happens because some hallucinogenic ingredients in magic mushrooms break down. It effectively confirms that psilocin and psilocybin are, or at least once were, present in the mushroom. Furthermore, it is thought that more pungent mushrooms are more likely to bruise blue than weaker ones.
What to do when taking magic mushrooms for the first time?
You will need to prepare your set and setting first. Your “set” means your mindset. That means you have to be mentally ready to take the mushroom. Meanwhile, your setting is your surroundings. First-time users should take mushrooms home and consider a trip sitter to accompany them. In addition, it is best to take your shrooms on an empty stomach so you can get the best effects. When the results kick in, just stay relaxed and go with the flow. You can create art, listen to music, or lie down.
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